What is the impact of dilution ventilation and particle filtration on concentrations of liquid aerosol tagged with synthetic DNA?
To evaluate the impact of dilution ventilation and particle filtration on concentrations of liquid aerosols tagged with patented aerosol tracers (veriDART® by SafeTraces) compared to conventional tools like tracer gas and particle size distribution monitoring, authors from RHP Risk Management, SafeTraces, along with Carlos Carpio (Texas Tech University) and Nicholas Clements (University of Colorado Boulder) conducted testing under a range of dilution ventilation rates, recirculation rates, and filtration types with patented DNA-tagged #aerosol tracers and tracer gases emitted simultaneously. Tracer decay rates were compared across experimental conditions to observe the impact of aerosol mitigation efforts on tracer decay rates, as well as highlight differences between liquid aerosol and gaseous tracer decay rates.
Jacob Persky, MPH, CIH1; Frank Pagone, PhD, CIH1; Ilan Arvelo2; Phil Arnold2; Carlos E. Carpio3; Nicholas Clements4
1RHP Risk Management, Inc., Chicago, IL 2SafeTraces, Pleasanton, CA 3Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 4Paul M. Rady Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO
RHP Risk Management is a leader in the field of Industrial Hygiene, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Built Environment, Risk Management, Dose Estimation & Analysis, and Exposure Simulation Testing. Our highly trained and sophisticated team of professionals work together seamlessly on small and large projects. Our roster includes certified industrial hygienists, public health scientists, risk assessors, certified safety professionals, field staff, an engineer, an anthropologist, an economist, certified paralegals, and support staff.
We work with our clients to develop solutions to their most pressing concerns. Understanding exposures and risks through a grounding in a sound, defensible, state- of- the- art scientific approach gives our clients peace of mind. Empowered by a comprehensive understanding of exposures we can provide, clients are better equipped to recognize previously unseen business risks, manage known risks, target areas for control systems, comply with regulations, and to be braced for regulatory or litigation actions. Senior staff have served as experts in front of stakeholders, public, workers, regulatory, and State and Federal courts.