Chemical manufacturers, product manufacturers, consumer goods manufacturers, and pharmaceutical entities have a responsibility to manage the health, safety, and environmental aspects of raw materials and consumer products throughout their lifecycle. RHP Risk Management’s experience in exposure sciences, toxicology, scientific advocacy, and regulations help your organization prepare consumer goods for the marketplace by evaluating the safety of new and existing products, demonstrating compliance with local, national, and international regulations.

RHP utilizes scientifically accepted and recognized approaches in toxicology, exposure modeling and quantification, dose response, benchmark dose modeling, and physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling to address questions regarding chemical risk profiles, identifying safer and sustainable alternatives, enhancing the understanding of risk that leads to better decision making, and implementing risk management measures to effectively and efficiently reduce exposures for workers and consumers.

The Value of Exposure Science Services

RHP Risk Management’s scientists review existing product chemistries and provide alternative chemistries to reduce product impacts on human health and the environment through toxicology and assessment of hazard and exposure fate and transport, product compatibility, and substitution feasibility.

RHP’s exposure science services allow you to understand exposure and risk to prioritize product formulations, accelerate, redesign, or suspend new product development, invest in scientific advocacy, and advise on formulation and chemical substitutions.

Contact Us Today To Learn More!

The Need for Product Stewardship Assistance

Through use of accepted methods to model materials and substances to measure exposure risk, RHP Risk Management develops, evaluates, and implements effective product stewardship strategies to keep you in compliance with regulatory requirements. RHP’s modeling follows a tiered approach in addition to performing exposure simulation studies on products in our Exposure Science Laboratory (ESL).

Manufacturers and production companies of both raw materials and end products are impacted by product stewardship through state, national, and international regulations that require transparency of use of ingredients, chemical waste, and by-products. These may influence the ability to produce, manufacture and sell products.

Consumers are impacted by product stewardship by anticipating and evaluating a product for its utility, residual effect, waste impact, and the predicted product lifetime. The impact to consumers includes concerns of the potential for consumer user exposure. The environment is also impacted as products reach the end of their intended use lifecycle and enter a waste stream.

Governance surrounding product stewardship includes public health and environmental concerns, and communication through proper labeling, warnings, and safe-use advertising.

Explore Our Exposure Science Services

RHP Risk Management provides exposure science services, including product testing, exposure reconstruction, and risk assessment to evaluate chemical and environmental risks. Their experts utilize advanced modeling, laboratory studies, and regulatory compliance strategies to help clients identify safer alternatives and implement effective exposure control measures.

RHP Risk Management offers toxicology and exposure modeling services to assess chemical risks to human health and the environment. Their experts utilize advanced techniques such as PBPK modeling, dose-response assessments, and benchmark dose modeling to support safer product development, regulatory compliance, and effective risk management strategies.

RHP Risk Management provides comprehensive PFAS-related services, including regulatory compliance, exposure monitoring, and human health risk assessments for these persistent chemicals. Their team of experts assists with safety data evaluations, hazard summaries, and the development of strategies to address the complex challenges and liabilities associated with PFAS.

RHP Risk Management offers product stewardship services to help companies manage the environmental, health, and safety impacts of products throughout their lifecycle. Their experts assist with compliance, risk mitigation, and sustainable practices, ensuring transparency and efficiency in manufacturing, use, and end-of-life processes.

RHP Risk Management provides incident response services, including exposure modeling, dose reconstruction, and risk assessment to address chemical spills or toxic exposures. Their experts deliver scientifically supported solutions to evaluate health risks, guide remediation efforts, and ensure regulatory compliance during emergencies.

Topics Addressed Through Exposure Science and Product Stewardship Services

RHP Risk Management assist clients in understanding exposure and risk based on defensible science:

  • Product and Consumer Goods and Sustainability: RHP scientists review existing product chemistries and provide alternative chemistries with the intent to reduce product impacts on human health, environment and sustainability through toxicology and assessment of hazard and exposure fate and transport, product compatibility, and substitution feasibility.
  • Synthetic Chemical Safety (PFA; PFO; PFOA): RHP’s experts provide assistance and guidance with regulatory and exposure related challenges surrounding PFAS chemicals, including regulatory compliance (use, waste); health and safety audits (manufacturer, use); product labeling (origin, use, distribution); safety data sheet evaluation; creation of hazard summaries; exposure modeling and monitoring; human health risk assessments; formula review of products; historic waste processes and secondary use; and State of the Knowledge.
  • Toxicology Services: RHP’s ESL provides clients with a better understanding of risk profiles and potential exposures to human health and the environment by utilizing industry standard and regulatory accepted methods.
  • Consumer Goods and Product Safety Exposure Simulations: to develop reliable, reproducible, and transparent risk measurements, RHP scientists perform consumer product exposure simulation studies. RHP’s scientists rely on evidence-based approaches where questions involving human health, environmental and chemical exposure concerns arise in consumer or end user products.
  • New Product Development & Regulatory Compliance: RHP scientists conduct in-depth analyses of existing and proposed chemical formulations to assist with systematic and pragmatic design of sustainable chemistry dependent products. RHP helps you with:
    • Creation of chemical hazard summaries
    • Product and chemical specific risk assessments
    • Assessment of product portfolios, identification of chemical vulnerabilities, and strategic planning for chemical substitutions
    • Identification of mechanisms of toxicity, dose response assessment, uncertainty analysis, and forensic speciation of chemical mixtures for cause-effect determination;
    • Migration modeling of toxicants from packaging into food.
  • Occupational and Community Evaluations: RHP couples field and lab exposure monitoring and modeling of indoor and outdoor air pollutants with toxics to develop site specific risk assessments. The air toxics group at RHP assists with utilization of regulatory accepted air quality models for modeling controlled and fugitive chemical releases and community exposures for submission of pre-manufactured notices and TSCA test orders and demonstrating compliance with state and federal air quality regulations and determining the placement of air toxics fence line monitors. RHP can also design and implement indoor air monitoring and exposure simulation studies.

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Learn More About Services from RHP

RHP consists of occupational and public health scientists who have extensive experience identifying hazards, measuring exposures, evaluating risk and formulating solutions. We know that sound decisions require good science and accurate data.

Contact RHP to learn more about exposure science and product stewardship.