Leaders In Asbestos Consulting
As an industry leader in asbestos consulting, RHP professionals draw on decades of experience and training from our team of inspectors, risk assessors, safety professionals and Certified Industrial Hygienists. RHP has a unique ability to respond to a full range of client needs, from a demolition inspection to risk assessment/exposure assessment.
Consider an asbestos consultancy with an asbestos management and survey service to manage the asbestos in your building materials and prevent harmful exposure to asbestos fibers. Learn when it’s best to test for asbestos and how RHP Risk Management can help.
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What Is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a commercial term that refers to a group of six naturally occurring minerals containing very high fiber strength and heat resistant properties. Over the last century or more, asbestos has been utilized primarily for these properties in numerous consumer products and building construction materials. Some of the more common building materials containing asbestos include exterior siding and roofing panels, ceiling and floor tiles, drywall products and pipe insulation. Some additional products include friction products (automobile clutches, brake and transmission components), packing, gaskets and coatings.
According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), many people with occupational exposure to asbestos never have serious asbestos-related diseases. However, asbestos-associated diseases typically have long latency periods — 10 to 40 years or more, depending on the disease and exposure factors. It is important to use caution when working near or potentially disturbing materials that contain or are suspected to contain asbestos and to have a plan in place in the event materials are disturbed or plan on being disturbed.
Inspecting and Testing Your Property for Asbestos
When asbestos fibers are released into the air, they can present health risks for those exposed. The installment and use of asbestos is federally regulated to help protect occupants from harmful exposure. Many products can still use asbestos, even though it was banned in insulation, which is why survey inspection, asbestos consulting, and testing are crucial for continued safety.
What Is an Asbestos Survey?
During an asbestos survey, air or material samples are taken by an asbestos specialist and are analyzed in a lab to identify and determine the extent of asbestos in your building. Asbestos surveys can help you determine whether the asbestos is compromising your air quality and will need to be removed or if it’s contained and simply needs to be managed.
Asbestos surveys should be done before the renovation or demolition of any building because federal regulations require any potential for asbestos-containing materials to be confirmed or denied, so the construction can be handled safely. If asbestos-containing materials are used in a building, renovation and demolition projects can release the fibers into the air, putting occupants and construction workers at risk.
Additionally, it’s best to have a certified asbestos consultant conduct an asbestos survey after any significant damage to the structure of a building, like flooding and water damage. This is an essential part of the damage assessment that needs to take place before repairs can occur.
RHP Asbestos Sampling Procedures and Testing Methodology
RHP’s project managers and air sampling professionals follow all regulations, standards, and guidance provided by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP):
- AHERA: A regulation for public school districts and nonprofit schools developed to protect students and school employees from asbestos exposure. Asbestos air sampling is conducted before, during, and after abatement activities or any time asbestos is disturbed (planned or unplanned) in schools.
- NESHAP: Minimizes the release of asbestos fibers during activities involving the handling of asbestos-containing materials, such as building renovation or demolition. NESHAP sampling is typically associated with commercial buildings and facilities excluding residential buildings with four or fewer dwelling units.
Once samples — air or bulk — are collected from a site, they are transported to an accredited laboratory and analyzed according to the project requirements and specifications. Once sample results are available, RHP works with all project stakeholders (i.e., school representatives, building owners and managers, abatement contractors) to determine and provide guidance on any remaining phases of the project.
Our Services
As an industry leader in asbestos consulting, RHP professionals draw on decades of experience and training from our team of inspectors, risk assessors, safety professionals and Certified Industrial Hygienists. RHP has a unique ability to respond to a full range of client needs, from a demolition inspection to risk assessment/exposure assessment.
Asbestos Project Management Services
RHP’s project managers (PM) and air sampling professionals (ASPs) provide project management support in a variety of commercial and institutional building settings. PMs may act as the building owner’s representative during the asbestos abatement process and are responsible for ensuring the abatement contractor is complying with the contract specifications and state and federal regulations. Air monitoring conducted by a PM is done primarily to ensure air quality outside a contained area remains unaffected by removal activities done inside a regulated contained work area.
Personal air monitoring can be conducted to assess the fiber concentrations workers or contractors could be exposed to during abatement activities. This assessment may be used to determine appropriate levels of personal protective equipment (PPE) and compliance with Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and permissible exposure limits (PELs). A detailed record of air monitoring must be maintained during the abatement project by the PM and is typically inserted into a building’s Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Program or a school’s Asbestos Management Plan.
Post Asbestos Abatement Clearance Air Sampling (AHERA)
Following the conclusion of asbestos abatement activities, RHP’s PMs and ASPs conduct clearance air sampling to ensure fiber concentrations within the contained work area meets the established clearance standards prior to containment disassembly and normal re-occupancy. AHERA standards are strictly followed during the clearance phase of an asbestos abatement project in schools. RHP’s clearance service includes a thorough visual assessment of the contained work area to ensure all materials have been adequately removed and the work area is clean and free of debris.
Commercial Property Services
For our commercial and industrial clients, RHP’s team of professionals gives our clients confidence during the management of risks associated with asbestos-containing materials present or suspected in your facility, building and structure. Worker safety and health and corporate risk management drive clients to RHP’s expertise. RHP’s core asbestos consulting services for commercial and industrial clients include inspections, audits, air sampling and monitoring.
Contact RHP for an Asbestos Survey and Inspection in Chicago
We have a team of highly trained professionals for projects of any scale. Our staff includes:
- Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Science Professionals
- Certified Industrial Hygienists
- Certified Safety Professionals
- Public health scientists
- Engineers
- Risk assessors
- Credentialed and Licensed Field and support staff
RHP Risk Management uses a reliable, reproducible, and sound scientific approach recognized in the industry to address each client’s concerns. Our thorough and data-driven inspections, asbestos testing service, and sampling approach will ensure you have complete confidence and defensible data. Through our asbestos consulting services, you can:
- Recognize your business risks and manage them.
- Comply with industry regulations.
- Answer regulatory or liability actions.
- Target areas of concern with response actions and control measures.
Contact our industry experts today to learn more about our asbestos consulting services.
Content Reviewed & Verified by Our Asbestos Experts
Jacob Persky, MPH, CIH – A board-certified Industrial Hygienist and holds multiple professional licenses for asbestos and lead in Illinois and Indiana.
Ben Heckman, MPH, CIH – AHERA trained and accredited and holds certifications as a Cal/DOSH Certified Asbestos Consultant (CAC) and Cal/DPH Certified Lead-Related Construction, Inspector/Risk Assessor, and Project Monitor.