Blog: Finding a New Normal, Part 2
RHP’s Wendi Egan writes a follow up blog about adjusting family routines during COVID-19 & obstacles on the road to finding a new, quarantine-friendly hobby. In the beginning of March,…
RHP’s Wendi Egan writes a follow up blog about adjusting family routines during COVID-19 & obstacles on the road to finding a new, quarantine-friendly hobby. In the beginning of March,…
As a person who normally strives to maintain a “3-legged” lifestyle wellness, RHP Associate Health Scientist Eric Kaufman blogs about how his lifestyle has changed since the start of the…
As a regular theatergoer, RHP’s Shelley Hawkins considers the myriad issues that theaters will be forced to consider as the United States re-opens and crowds gather for performances. I have…
COVID-19 caused an abrupt disruption of the 2020 school year forcing colleges to close their campuses and students to make a variety of adjustments including living arrangements, switching to online…
Jackie Coreno has lived in Chicago for 23 years and has always looked forward to the start of spring after suffering through the long, cold winters. She says while the…